Don't Just Take My Word...

"I had the opportunity to work with Noel on several projects. Her enthusiasm and love for nursing shines through. I seen her advocate for safe patient outcomes and educate many nurses for the best outcomes for the patients and the organization that she is working with."


"The work Noel has done in regards to patient safety is life changing for me as a nurse. Prior to Noel, I took patient safety serious, however the education Noel provided enhanced my ability to advocate for a patient's safety in ways I never imagined. She offered insight into how the whole HCP Team and the patient can work as unit to provide the safest environment for the patient. Noel includes several Healthcare provider Team members with patient safety such as the MD, RN, Patient Companion, SW, PCT, and Psychiatrist."

- CK, BSN, Charge RN

"Best Practice Process. Prevention of repeat regulatory visits and/or citing's hospitals often receive for lack of suicide prevention readiness in the medical setting "

-Regulatory Surveyor

"Noel used a system based approach to operationalize our Institutional suicide risk assessment and subsequent action plan, creating process uniformity across the system. Her intimate knowledge of evidence based medicine for this at risk population coupled with her communication skills in engaging stakeholders resulted in this change."

-RM, Medical Director

"Dr. Koller-Ditto was instrumental in the assessment, editing, implementation, and education of our institution’s policy and practice surrounding suicide risk determination and prevention. Her expertise and attention to detail and ability to translate Best Practice recommendations resulted in a clear, concise, easy to follow package. Her passion for the subject matter helped fuel staff and provider engagement as we worked through the implementation and education phase, resulting in increased knowledge and safe practices with this vulnerable patient population across the institution."

-Katherine A. MSN, RN, OCN, Nurse Education Coordinator

"Noel played an important role in educating employees in the safety of the suicide [risk] patients. A few key factors were rounding on the patients to assess and educate staff on concepts on how to keep the patient safe, implementing easy EPIC flowsheet documentation on the suicide [risk] patient, implementation of a badge buddy for the Patient Safety Assistants for reference, and assembled binders for each unit for best-practice reference on suicide patients. Noel’s expertise and knowledge in behavioral/mental health proved to be an asset to our hospital to bring us up to par in the safety and monitoring of the suicidal [risk] patient."

T. Jokic, BSN, RN, Nurse Educator

"Noel is an amazing nurse leader. Her expertise, compassion, and dedication to nursing is truly unmatched. In my tenure with Noel, she displayed commitment and esteemed wisdom to the work of suicide prevention. She spent countless hours researching best practice initiatives and developing specific guidelines to improve not only patient care but also the nurse’s workflow. Her work is patient and nurse focused promoting doing what is best for the patient and the nurse at the bedside. I observed countless times Noel being met with obstacles from other leaders, yet she never faltered from what was best for the patient. She found ways to make it work, she has an outstanding charm to develop excellent working relationships and work her way through crucial conversations. Noel has the tenacity to start, develop, and finish a project. One specific example is her work with the development of the suicide prevention binder. Noel spent numerous hours researching, developing, proofing, and assembling binders. Her work was not finished there, she then spent weeks education all RN’s and staff with the tools and resources within the binders in a large inter-city hospital. She has knack for creating innovative education sessions to reach the bedside nurse where they are at."

-J. Cole, MSN, RN, AGCNS-BC, CNS/Emergency Department

"I have had the opportunity to watch Noel grow in her research and clinical support to hospitals from chairing her Doctoral research implementation to now, where she continues to use her knowledge and expertise assisting several large health systems with best practices on suicide prevention. Her work embodies the passion and subject matter knowledge needed to create system and cultural change ."

-Dr. Mitzi Saunders, PhD, APRN, ACNS-BC, NACNS President

"Noel’s passion and commitment to patient and employee mental and physical safety is expressed every day in her practice. She tirelessly strives to meet the needs of patients, through research, best practice, and sheer tenacity. Her ability to engage, educate, and motivate providers makes her valuable wherever she practices."

-Sue M., BSN, RN, ACM Professional Practice/Magnet